Korean Batchim: Nasalizing for speaking fluency

Korean Batchim: Nasalizing for speaking fluency

Learn to nasalize Korean batchims and link the sounds fluently to speak like a native.

I will help you pronounce confusing Korean words by explaining the nasalization rule of the Korean language. I have also added a Korean reading and pronunciation test at the end for you to try! Each question will give you 5 seconds to read the word on the screen, and then I read the word for you with English meaning but without English romanization.

If you don’t remember the final consonant rule or how to read the Korean alphabet without English romanization, please watch the previous lessons for a better understanding!

➡️Korean Lesson Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrwzSUHsPR_G7FVOFs70Exnd-OCGcXf-s

00:15 Nasalization between mieum(ㅁ) batchim rieul(ㄹ) initial
00:27 Nasalization between ieung(ㅇ) batchim rieul(ㄹ) initial
00:42 When 3 final consonant sounds are nasalized (ㄱㄷㅂ )
01:19 Giyeok(ㄱ) batchim sound nasalization
01:30 Giyeok(ㄱ) batchim sound and nieun(ㄴ) initial
01:58 Giyeok(ㄱ) batchim sound and mieum(ㅁ) initial
02:25 Digeut(ㄷ) batchim sound nasalization
02:35 Digeut(ㄷ) batchim sound and nieun(ㄴ) initial
02:51 Digeut(ㄷ) batchim sound and mieum(ㅁ) initial
03:10 Bieup(ㅂ) batchim sound nasalization
03:18 Bieup(ㅂ) batchim sound and nieun(ㄴ) initial
03:38 Bieup(ㅂ) batchim sound and mieum(ㅁ) initial
04:08 Summary of Korean Nasalization Rules
05:09 Practice Test (Read Korean Words in 5 Seconds)

Subscribe & watch more lessons in my channel and learn Korean with me!

➡️Lesson 1: https://youtu.be/N-Vx5k1pqWs
➡️Lesson 2: https://youtu.be/JafCuwC6EZ0
➡️Lesson 3: https://youtu.be/jqd-wUktIFA
➡️Lesson 4: https://youtu.be/4OZVqKQUdLw
➡️Lesson 5: https://youtu.be/WKhQjperuvw
➡️Lesson 6: https://youtu.be/d4IA9WVsXgE

#koreannasalization #koreanfluency #learnkoreanlanguage #batchimrules

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